Secure password options

We recommend that your password includes lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special symbols. These selections are enabled by default. Click Get password to generate your password.

  1. Step 1

    Pick length

  2. Step 2

    Pick options

  3. Step 3

    Copy password


Stuff about options?

What do options choices do?

  • Create strong, long passwords: Make your passwords at least 8 characters long. Longer is stronger! You can use a random string of mixed-case letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Use different passwords for every account: Each of your accounts should have a unique password. This prevents one breached password from compromising multiple accounts.

  • Avoid using personal information and dictionary words: These can be easily guessed or found out by hackers. Our password generator uses random characters to ensure your password does not include dictionary words.

  • Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): This adds an extra layer of security by requiring another form of verification in addition to your password. Not all web sites support MFA, but increasingly many do. To learn more about MFA, read about Modern day passwords and beyond.

  • Use a password manager: Remembering long, random, and unique passwords for every account is not possible. A password manager can store all your passwords securely and help generate strong passwords. For more about password managers, read the Top 5 Open Source password managers.

  • Enable breach alerts and personal identity monitoring: Optionally, you can subscribe to an identify monitoring service. While this isn't necessary, it can be helpful if you've been the subject of a data breach already. To learn about some of the biggest data breaches, read about Some of the biggest security breaches.